In-Your-Face Street Photography in Pancoran & Kota Tua
Yesterday I saw Eric Kim's video in which he shot In-The-Face in Hollywood. Well, I gave it a try!
Actually, the idea is to take photo as close as possible to the people with flash in his face. Thrilling isn't it?

I guessed the problem might be exposure setting, then in one of Kim's page he tells information on exposure setting, I started with that.

Then, I was faced with another problem... composition. It was really frustrating to compose a photo while your left hand was holding a speedlite, moreover you were crouching (or on some low-angle-taking posture), then it must be done instantly in split second!

Some of the photos in this album are not too good to display, but I guess I decided to put it though, except few which is really rubbish.
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